Problem 7 (40 pts) Ethylene glycol (p=1096 Kg/m, C=2505 J/KgK, v=6.9x10-6 m/s, Pr=73.5) is pumped through a pipeline of diameter D=0.4 m that runs
Problem 7 (40 pts) Ethylene glycol (p=1096 Kg/m, C=2505 J/KgK, v=6.9x10-6 m/s, Pr=73.5) is pumped through a pipeline of diameter D=0.4 m that runs across a lake L=200 m wide. The bulk velocity and inlet temperature of the oil are u-2.5 m/s and T-50C. The temperature of the lake water is To=5C. a) Find the internal heat transfer coefficient of the oil b) Find the external heat transfer coefficient to water c) Find the overall heat transfer coefficient neglecting the conductive thermal resistance of the pipe wall d) Evaluate the exit temperature of the oil.
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