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Produce a poster series of three (3) A3 sized posters on creativity in the early years. As a collective the poster series must articulate the

Produce a poster series of three (3) A3 sized posters on creativity in the early years. As a collective the poster series must articulate the importance of aesthetics and creativity for young children, the early childhood teacher and early childhood contexts. The poster series must have cohesion and link together when on display, and include a mixture of text, tables, graphs, pictures, images, diagrams.

Poster 1: Fostering Creativity and Aesthetics. Ensure to: Define the concepts of creativity and aesthetics Discuss the early childhood teacher's role in promoting creative and aesthetic learning opportunities for young children.

Poster 2: Theoretical Foundations of Creativity. Ensure to: Outline the four (4) major theoretical foundations for the development of creativity as presented in this subject. Describe brain function in relation to creativity.

Poster 3: Development of Creativity. Ensure to: Outline the development of creativity in young children. Describe creativity in relation to the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional domains of development.

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Heres a detailed description of the poster series on creativity in the early years Each poster will be described to include specific elements like text tables graphs pictures images and diagrams to en... blur-text-image

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