Question 2 are charged, and the charge on sphere Y is The X and Y dots shown in the figure are two identical spheres,
Question 2 are charged, and the charge on sphere Y is The X and Y dots shown in the figure are two identical spheres, X and Y, that are fixed in place with their centers in the plane of the page. Both spheres negative. These spheres are completely isolated from all other objects in the universe. The lines are isolines of electric potential, also in the plane of the page, with a potential difference of 5 V between each set of adjacent lines. The absolute value of the electric potential of the outermost line is 25 V (meaning the outermost line is either +25 V) (a) i. How do the magnitudes of the charges of the spheres compare? Explain your answer in terms of the isolines of electric potential shown. ii. iii. X- How do the signs of the charges of the spheres compare? Explain your answer in terms of the isolines of electric potential shown. m y= ay Isolines of m 9* The spheres at points X and Y have masses in the same ratio as the magnitudes of their charges. In other words, gravitational potential are drawn for spheres X and Y; those isolines have a similar shape/distribution as the electric potential isolines shown above. Explain why the two sets of isolines have similar shapes. (b) Indicate the values of the potentials, including the signs, at the labeled points A and B. Potential at Point A Potential at Point B Let the potentials at the three labeled points be V, V, and V. An electron with charge -q and mass m is released from rest at point B. (c) Based on your answer to part (a)iii, briefly describe one similarity and one difference between the electric and gravitational forces exerted on the electron by the system of the two spheres. The similarity and difference you describe must not be ones that generally apply to all forces.
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