Question 4 Lack of diversity claim is a misconception, says Bonia KUALA LUMPUR: Netizens have reignited the issue of a lack of diversity in the
Question 4 Lack of diversity claim is a misconception, says Bonia KUALA LUMPUR: Netizens have reignited the issue of a lack of diversity in the workplace amid a viral TikTok clip depicting Bonia employees. Believed to be shared on a personal account by a TikTok user believed to be an employee, the 45- second long seemingly harmless clip showed some of the perks of working with Bonia, an international luxury fashion retailer based in Malaysia, through the eyes of the said employee. The montages showed clips of a "comfortable workspace, unlimited snack supplies, free ice cream, free lunch once a month, field trips, and gifts", among others. Some netizens, however, zoomed into the race of the employees seen in the short clip, slamming Bonia for allegedly not being racially diverse in their hiring. This led to mounting calls to "cancel Bonia" and boycott the brand on social media platforms, particularly Twitter. The Bonia team, in a statement yesterday said the video portrayed only a part of its company and does not reflect Bonia in its entirety. "In light of a recent video being discussed on social media, we at Bonia would like to address and clear any misconceptions it has given about us as a company. "Diversity in a workplace is important not only for personal career development but integral for us as a progressive lifestyle brand. We are, and have always been, a company that prides itself on nurturing an inclusive work culture. "From our board of directors to our managerial and office staff and frontliners, we are proud to have talents who come from various backgrounds. "Please rest assured that we are actively nurturing diversity from our internal hiring policies and protocols to our training for our staff. "We highly value our loyal customers' views and will always continue to make their brand experience with is better. We hope for your kind understanding," the statement read. Adapted from source: New Straits Times. (2022, May 1). Lack of diversity claim is a misconception, says Bonia. New Straits Times. (a) Based on the article above, explain TWO (2) benefits and TWO (2) potential challenges of employee diversity in the company. (Main points with explanation and examples)
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