REQUIRED: Cost of production report under the following assumptions: Lost units - normal, discovered at the beginning Lost units - normal, discovered at the end
REQUIRED: Cost of production report under the following assumptions:
- Lost units - normal, discovered at the beginning
- Lost units - normal, discovered at the end
- Lost units - abnormal, discovered when 60% completed
Lenlen Corporation produces a product through a continuous process in two departments. Materials in this department are added at the beginning of the process. The production and cost data were taken from Department B during September, 2019. Production data: Received from Department A Completed and transferred In process, end (50% complete) Lost Cost data: Received from Department A Materials Labor Overhead 80,000 units 60,000 units 10,000 units 10,000 units P 560,000 175,000 121,875 243,750
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