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Scenario 2 Jenna, a marketing specialist, has an employment contract that was renewed yearly over a five year period. Jenna's contract was renewed annually to

Scenario 2

Jenna, a marketing specialist, has an employment contract that was renewed yearly over a five year period. Jenna's contract was renewed annually to align with the company's growth trajectory and budget constraints. You are asked your opinion if there are any legal liabilities that may impact the employer by continuing to renew her contract in the sixth year as a one year fixed term contract.

Scenario 3

After dedicating three decades to the organization, Jordi, a long-serving employee, faces the shock of termination. The organization is implementing cost-cutting measures, targeting senior managers for downsizing. He is fifty-five years old. His employment contract was not updated and; therefore, does not comply with statutory minimum standards. What advice would you provide regarding Jordi's termination?

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Scenario 2 Renewal of Jennas FixedTerm Contract for the Sixth Year Legal Framework for FixedTerm Contracts Fixedterm contracts are generally used for temporary positions or to cover a specific period ... blur-text-image
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