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The following figures have been extracted from the books of X Limited for the year ended on 31.3.2019. You are required to prepare a

The following figures have been extracted from the books of X Limited for the year ended on 31.3.2019. You are required to prepare a cash flow statement as per AS 3 using indirect method. (i) Net profit before taking into account income tax and income from law suits but after taking into account the following items was 20 lakhs: (a) Depreciation on Property, Plant & Equipment * 5 lakhs. (b) Discount on issue of Debentures written off * 30,000. (c) Interest on Debentures paid * 3,50,000. (d) Book value of investments 3 lakhs (Sale of Investments for 3,20,000). (e) Interest received on investments * 60,000. (f) Compensation received 90,000 by the company in a suit filed. (ii) Income tax paid during the year * 10,50,000. (iii) 15,000, 10% preference shares of 100 each were redeemed on 31.3.2019 at a premium of 5%. Further the company issued 50,000 equity shares of 10 each at a premium of 20% on 2.4.2018. Dividend on preference shares were paid at the time of redemption. (iv) Dividend paid for the year 2017-2018 * 5 lakhs and interim dividend paid 3 lakhs for the year 2018- 2019. (v) Land was purchased on 2 4.2018 for 2,40,000 for which the company issued 20,000 equity shares of 10 each at a premium of 20% to the land owner as consideration. (vi) Current assets and current liabilities in the beginning and at the end of the years were as detailed below: Inventory Trade receivables Cash in hand Trade payables Outstanding expenses As on 31.3.2018 12,00,000 2,58,000 1,96,300 2,11,000 75,000 As on 31.3.2019 13,18,000 2,53100 35,300 2,11,300 81,800

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