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Your company, in Virginia, is sending you to their headquarters in Japan to support with training employees on a newly acquired ordering system. Considering Japan's
Your company, in Virginia, is sending you to their headquarters in Japan to support with training employees on a newly acquired ordering system. Considering Japan's culture and Hofstede's 5 dimensions of national cultural values, which is likely the best training structure to use? Design peer-to-peer training where frontline staff train other peers and management on the system. Organize 1-1 training sessions on the new system. Develop a self-paced, online training module that employees can complete on their own time. Host larger training sessions that allow teams to train alongside one another at the same time
Step by Step Solution
There are 3 Steps involved in it
Step: 1
When designing a training program for employees in Japan it is crucial to consider the cultural context which can be understood through Hofstedes 5 Dimensions of National Cultural Values These dimensi...
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