The following cross tabulation shows the number of households (1000s) in each of the four regions of the United States and the number of households
Income Level of Household
a. Compute the row percentages and identify the percent frequency distributions of income for households in each region.
b. what percentage of households in the west region have an income level of $50,000 or more? what percentage of households in the South region have an income level of $50,000 or more?
c. Construct percent frequency histograms for each region of households. do any relationships between regions and income level appear to be evident in your findings?
d. Compute the column percentages. what information do the column percentages provide?
e. what percent of households with a household income of $100,000 and over are from the South region? what percentage of households from the South region have a household income of $100,000 and over? why are these two percentages different?
Number of Under $15,000 to $25,000 to $35,000 to $50,000 to $75,000 to $100,000 Households Region Northeast Midwest South West $15,000 $24,999 $34,999$49,999$74,999 $99,999 and over1000s) 21,479 26,391 43,609 26,057 2733 3273 6235 3086 2244 3326 5657 2796 14,023 2264 3056 5038 2644 2807 3767 6476 3557 16,607 3699 5044 7730 4804 2486 3183 4813 3066 5246 4742 7660 6104 Total 15,327 13,002 21,277 13,548 23,752 117,536
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a Row percentages are shown below The percent frequency distributions for each region now appear in ...83% of Statistics Students Improved their GPA!
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