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7 Great Things that You Always Learned from Teacher

This one is about to get quite sappy. We have all had teachers in our lives that have shaped the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us. They provide not only

lectures on math and science, but great life lessons to carry on past the school. Here are seven great life lessons you can learn from your teachers:

1. Make the Most Out of Every Opportunity
Every day at school is an opportunity, socially and academically. You can just sit in class, listen to what is going on, and maintain the status quo. But, the opportunity will always be there to buck the trend and attempt something out of the ordinary. The lesson here is not that by putting yourself out there you will always succeed. The lesson is that you miss 100% of the chances you don’t take. Your chances may not always work, but the boldness is worth it for the time’s things do work out.


2. All Human Beings are Fallible
When you are in school (mostly middle and high school), you inevitably will worry about what you are not, as opposed to what you are. “I don’t have this pair of jeans or this personality trait or this hair color.” The fact of the matter is that your fallibility, what you believe makes you flawed, is what makes you a human being. It is what sets you out from your peers and draws people in. If everybody was the same and nobody had any flaws, why would we need other people? We could live in our heads. But, we don’t because we desire the imperfections provided by our friends and loved ones.

All Human Beings are Fallible

3. Mistakes Are Important in Shaping Your Life
In conjunction with the notion of our fallibility being a strength, every time we fail is an opportunity to get better. That is the whole point of school; to fail but understand how to move forward after. You are not going to pass every test or quiz you ever take, but that does not mean you are going to fail at school. You need to figure out a way to dust yourself off and use the failure as a learning experience and motivation to do better on the next one.

Mistakes Are Important in Shaping Your Life

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Your Mind
Most likely on more than one occasion per class, after a long bit of lecturing, your teacher will turn to you and your fellow students and ask if anyone has any questions. I would venture a guess on every occasion at least one person has one, but due to the feeling of shame, rarely does anybody speak up. Teachers, through this, can teach teachers the valuable lesson that speaking your mind can lead to happiness and success. In this scenario, you will get clarity on a topic you didn’t understand. In life, you will have more meaningful relationships and better communication skills.

Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Your Mind

5. Teamwork is Essential to Success in Life
Although the school is mostly presented as a stand-alone journey, whereby each student fends for themselves and their success is based on their effort, that is not the case. Your success is judged based on how you get to each benchmark (test, quiz, exam, etc.). That does not have to happen alone. In fact, many teachers encourage collaboration among students, as this is the way work environments operate. If you learn the upsides of collaboration know, it will make the transition into a working environment much smoother.

Teamwork is Essential to Success in Life

6. Life Isn’t a Competition
Due to the structure of school, with a grading system, it can be easy to see yourself becoming competitive with your classmates. You desire to have higher grades than your friends and enemies but to what end? Are you hoping you succeed more, or do you find yourself rooting for others not to find success? This is a toxic mindset that can slip in when you are young. A good teacher will be able to perceive this in their students and snuff it out, refocusing on their students desire to have personal success based on their expectations.

Life Isn’t a Competition

7. Hard Work Will Pay Off Eventually
Perseverance is the number one thing you need if you want to be successful on a significant level in school. You need to work hard, keep at it, and eventually, you will see the rewards come your way. This is the same attitude you need to inhabit as you move away from school. The path is much less clear, and once you find it, it can be hard to navigate. The most important thing is putting in the most amount of effort and hard work possible, so you cannot be denied.

Hard Work Will Pay Off Eventually

Thomas Massari

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