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How to Ace Your Next Homework Assignment

Homework is a hassle for every single person that has ever encountered it. You’ve just come home from doing work and now you have to do more? Unfortunately, yes. But, you should still be trying to do a good job on it. Here are six-way to ace your next homework assignment:

Pay Attention in Class

This seems like a no-brainer but not to most students. A lot of students expect that high school is easy, they don’t pay attention in class, and they anticipate that they will get by with good grades. That’s unfortunately not how it works. So, if you want to do well on your homework assignments, just pay attention in class. The answers are all there. Don’t just listen, though. Make sure you ask questions to ensure you understand all of the material.

Take Diligent Notes

Hand in hand with paying attention in class, you should also be taking notes the whole way. The dream scenario is that you remember everything that goes down during class, but the reality is this is an impossibility. It’s impossible to remember every little detail from every class. That’s why notes are there to make up for your brain. By taking clear, diligent notes, you have a resource to look back on for when you struggle with your homework.

Find a Cozy Spot to Do Your Homework with No Distractions

If you aren’t comfortable, everything you do will be perfunctory. Sure, your brain will work at the same level no matter where you are, but your lack of comfort will seep into your brain and convince you that working hard isn’t necessary. Evil cancer will cloud your judgment, leading to a bad job on an assignment. So, find somewhere cozy to get your work done. But, avoid a place with loads of distractions. This way, you can focus one hundred percent of our energy on your assignment without worrying about what episode of the Maury Show is on or what Tony’s up to on Facebook.

Start Your Homework as Soon as You Get Home

Starting your homework as soon as you get home gives you the advantage of your brain still firing on all cylinders from school. Your brain will be hot and the topics you learned in school will be fresh. This will lead to better performance on homework assignments. Plus, once you start unwinding, the prospect of winding back up will take much longer.

Dedicate Time and Effort to Your Homework

Homework is not meant to be done in fifteen minutes on the bus every morning. It’s meant to be a benchmark to judge how well you are learning the topics in school before the test. So, treat it as such. Dedicate a lot of time on making sure you are doing your homework correctly. And, don’t just phone it in. Put as much effort as you do time.

Double Check Your Work to Make Sure You Did Everything Right

I get it. “I already spent all this time doing the dang work, and now you want me to spend more time checking my work.” Yes, that’s exactly what I want you to do. “But, Netflix –” Netflix can wait. If you want to ace your homework, you need to double check your work. We human beings are fallible and prone to simple mistakes. Make sure you didn’t make any of your homework and correct any you find.

Thomas Massari

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