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8 Study Hacks That Actually Work

Studying is just the worst. It’s difficult, tedious, and boring But, there are ways to make it easier. Here’s eight study hacks(fun/study hacks) that actually work:

Color Code Your Notes

When you’re in class, taking notes, it’s hard for you to delineate what’s important and what’s not. But, after you reflect, it’s easier to determine what’s important. By color coding your notes by importance, studying will become easier because you understand what you need to focus on.

Reward Your Studying

I don’t know a single person that’s done something boring without some sort of reward at the end. So, to make your studying more tolerable, give yourself some sort of reward at the end. Whether it’s food some TV watching time, or something else, give yourself something to look forward to at the end to make the binge much easier to get through.

Learn Through Chunking

The theory of chunking is that you’ll retain information better when you learn information in small chunks. Rather than diving deep into a study hole, give yourself about fifteen minutes to learn one thing and move on. This will give you a chance to have a break. The concentrated studying will give you more focus and make you a more efficient studier.

Read Your Notes Out Loud

Repetition is a large part of learning. If you tell your brain something’s important over and over, your brain will return the favor by remembering that piece of information when you need it. So, by reading your notes over and over, out loud, your brain will soak it in for your upcoming exam.

Exercise Before Studying

Exercising can get your blood pumping, thus pumping more blood to your brain. If you parlay this flood of brain motion into studying, you can be more productive. Your body will also be ready to sit down and relax, a great time for studying.

Listen to Classical Music While You Study

When you’re doing something in silence, sometimes your focus can drift. So, most students use students as a remedy. But, by having music with lyrics, your focus will now by split between too many things. Having classical music (or just instrumental music) your bran won’t drift, and you can focus.

Spray Your Room with an Unusual Scent while You Study

By having an unusual scent in your room, it will shake your brain from its rested, comfortable state. This will wake up your brain and give your brain more activity as you move into your studying session. More focus will be gained from putting yourself in a weird situation.

Create a Visual Component for Your Learning

The brain learns better from physical contact. So, if you’re just reading and reading, your brain may not keep the information as well as something you touch and see. Create physical projects that your brain has a tangible connection to. Whether it’s dioramas or posters, create a physical component for a better reminder for your brain and to reiterate the information to yourself.

Thomas Massari

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