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Why Homework Should be Banned from Schools

Homework is an institution of the American Educational system. But, just because something’s been done a certain way for a long time, that doesn’t mean it’s productive. Here’s six reasons homework should be banned from schools:

It’s Busy Work with Little Educational Value

Homework serves as a redundant synopsis of what was went over that day in class. Rather than allowing that information to marinate or adding something of value to the knowledge via homework, the work almost always falls into the category of more questions that reinforce, not enhance. By completing this work, you aren’t getting new insight or deepening your knowledge, just answer repetitive problems so the teacher doesn’t have to do them in class.

Students Are Tired and Never Put in the Right Amount of Effort

Besides the fact that the work itself is repetitive nonsense not worthy of spending effort on, students have to contend with the fact that they are at the end of a long day. You’ve spent seven hours sitting in a cramped little chair, listening to teachers drone on and on, and now you’re expected to give your effort to more work when you get home. Home should be a time for relaxation, so you’re refreshed for the next day of lectures, not extra work that few students have the mental capacity to give their all to.

It Takes Time Away from Productive Studying

Every student has their own way of studying. If you surveyed a school, few would say doing menial problems over and over again is their preferred method. By forcing students to do homework, you’re restricting their studying and inhibiting their learning rather than enhancing it. This is the time that could be spent better with students left to their own devices where they can study at their own pace in their own way.

Homework Assignments Take Away Time from Personal Development

Your time spent in school during your youth isn’t only about developing your knowledge but also developing as a person. Time spent outside of school should be spent developing your identity, finding out who you are. Instead, it’s spent doing the same boring tasks you’re plagued with during school hours. Homework assignments detract from a student’s time to find themselves. The only development homework provides is a developing disdain for the educational institution.

Homework Doesn’t Improve Standardized Test Scores

The theory that homework’s repetition helps hammer concepts into the heads of students is not one that bears fruit. Studies have been conducted that attribute no positive correlation between homework and standardized test scores. There’s no quantifiable evidence to prove homework helps students. In fact, it can take time away from students who are looking for standardized test prep.

It Doesn’t Take into Consideration the Home Lives of Students

As much as we all want to be deluded into thinking everybody’s home lives are great, that’s just not the case. It’s impossible to complete homework in a satisfactory manner if you’re parents or siblings are screaming at each other. Also, if you’re struggling, you may not have a parent home that can help you, which adds another layer of stress onto students, which impedes learning.

Thomas Massari

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