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Should you stay with your high school sweetheart in college?

Where do you go after high school graduation? Stay home? Go to university? The difficulty of this decision is amplified if you are in a long-term relationship. Do you follow them to college? Here are some pros and cons to following your high school sweetheart to college:


You don’t have to put any effort into your appearance

You’ve already solidified a partner, so there’s no need to keep up appearances. With all the lectures, schoolwork, socializing, partying, eating, and sleeping you need to get done, this will save you from an hour of prep time into your morning.

A living, breathing bank

You’re going to run out of money with shocking regularity. If you were at college  alone, you’d be out of luck, but if you follow your high school sweetheart to college, you’ll have someone to help you out with funds. “I uprooted my life for you, the least you can do is give me a couple bucks to get some Taco Bell.”

Someone to bail you out of trouble

“We have suspicions that you tipped over the vending machine over at building 4G.” “But, I was with my loving boyfriend/girlfriend.” You have at your disposal someone that crossed state lines with you. You’d be a dolt not to use that person to get you out of trouble. Sure, he/she would be lying. But, what’s love if not a collection of lies?

A savior from awkward social situations

At the beginning of college everybody’s awkward. Everybody has their guard up because they are alone, on an island, with no friends and trying to figure out how to wiggle their way into a friend group. This can lead to miscommunication and awkward situations. High school sweetheart to the rescue! You’ll have someone to fall back on to save a dying conversation and someone to help you secure some friends.


Who wants a ball and chain?

College is all about getting out there and having wild experiences. You’re not going to have a lot of wild experience If you have a relationship that holds you back from going wild. At this time of independence, who needs someone to tell you that you shouldn’t stay up dancing until all hours of the morning?

“I don’t even want to be here”

This is going to come up in an argument. It’s inevitable. It’s also a very bad lien to use in an argument, as your significant other didn’t put a gun to your head and force you to follow them. Save yourself the embarrassment of losing many arguments by falling back on this lien and just don’t go. You can thank me later.

You’re going to break up

Once you start college, it won’t be long before you stop spending time together, and when you do, the person you’re with doesn’t remind you of who you fell in love with. Eventually, you’ll drift apart until you have an ugly screaming match that makes you regret all the wasted time and money.

Running into them on campus will be awkward

Oh man, just imagine it: you’re in a café on campus, hanging around with friends, when you turn around to see your ex that you uprooted your life for staring you in the face. The silence will be deafening. The proceeding small talk will be worse. “So, how are you doing? Did you end up changing majors?” My god, I’m getting anxiety just writing this.

Thomas Massari

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