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Late Night Snacks for the Lazy Student

Here are 12 snacks you can make late at night so you can keep your brain fed without waking your roommates.

You waited until the last minute and now you’re up at 2 a.m. cramming for that exam or working on that project. We’ve all been there. But studying that late at night means its been a while since dinner and your stomach is probably going to start rumbling. What should you reach for? Healthy snacks might not sound like the most appealing option, but if you need to keep your brain going, you should have some healthy tricks up your sleeve.

Snacks for studying have to hit a sweet spot between being filling and being healthy. If they’re not filling enough, you’ll keep grazing all night (that’s how the Freshman 15 happens). If your snack isn’t healthy, your brain won’t have enough nutrients and you’ll be wasting your time studying with a brain that’s running on empty.

Here are 12 ideas for late-night snacks you can grab from the fridge or pantry with no cooking required. Put down the phone. You don’t need another pizza to get you through this study session.

Apples with peanut butter

Apples are an excellent source of fiber, so they’ll keep you full for hours after. Combined with healthy peanut butter, it’s a winning combination. The fats in the peanut butter help with brain function and will help keep you full.

Greek yogurt

Whether you add granola or not is up to you, but Greek yogurt is an excellent snack to keep you full and satisfied without getting sleepy. Try a full fat version (or 2% if you can’t find whole milk yogurt) that tastes like a creamy dessert.

Chocolate-covered almonds

These are always a good idea to have at your desk when you’re craving something sweet like candy that won’t pack on pounds or cause a sugar crash. Just 10 to 12 dark chocolate-covered almonds will give you that needed late-night boost.

Healthy energy bars

Reach for all-natural energy bars like Luna Bars and Larabar. These are made with natural, whole ingredients that are packed with complex carbs and natural sugars to help keep you going.


Buy a couple bags of frozen edamame and keep them in your dorm or apartment freezer. Just a minute in the microwave, sprinkled with salt, gives you a healthy boost. Edamame are soybeans, so they’re full of protein to keep you full and also carry healthy fats for brain function.

Hummus and baby carrots

Skip the celery, even though it has lots of fiber. Carrots are more substantial and the sugars in them will help you maintain energy. The protein in hummus is perfect for late nights when you need substance.

Roasted chickpeas

Your grocery store will probably have these little beauties in their snack section (or health-food section). Chickpeas have lots of protein and many brands come in student-friendly flavors like BBQ or Ranch.

Avocado toast

You don’t have to pay $9 for that brunch dish. It’s perfect to make in minutes at home. Just toast some bread and spread avocado over it. Top with salt and pepper. Whole grain bread is preferable for fiber and vitamins, and the monounsaturated fats in avocado are ideal brain food.

String cheese or cheese cubes

It’s as simple as that. Cheese has lactose, which is converted into a sugar in the body we use as energy. You’ll also be eating fat and protein, which will keep you full and satisfied until you’ve closed the books on your study session.

Instant oatmeal

It’s a power food for a reason. Just a minute in the microwave with hot water and you’re ready to eat a filling meal. Top with blueberries for the ultimate pre-breakfast breakfast.

Trail mix

Be careful of this bagged snack. There are plenty of trail mixes that are loaded with salt and sugar that can cause headaches and crashes during late-night studying. Find one that’s lower in salt and doesn’t have candy pieces in it. Keep it in your desk for emergencies.


One bowl of microwave popcorn will have your hands full for a while. Popcorn is also full of magnesium, zinc and iron – all good for brain function. Popcorn also contains fiber so you’ll feel full. Just watch the fat and sodium content on the box before you buy.

These snacks are simple enough for students with a limited budget (and limited willpower), but ideal for those late nights when you don’t have time to run out for food.


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