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5 Ways to Fight Test Anxiety

With the start of a new school year comes new subjects, homework, studying, and exams.  No matter how hard we try to stay calm, there is always some sort of anxiety that hits us when it comes to taking tests.  Sometimes we encounter subjects or courses that just seem to drain all the energy out of us; however, we simply have to get over that uneasiness and pass those tests!  Here are five ways to fight test anxiety once and for all.


I know that studying might seem like the wrong way to fight test anxiety, but, when you feel confident that you know the subject matter well, you feel a great deal of stress roll off your shoulders.  If you don’t like studying alone, find a study buddy or start up a study group.  Take turns quizzing each other and turn studying into a game.  When you’re relaxed and having fun, you’re more apt to learn, retain, and recall newly acquired knowledge.  Another great tool to use when studying are Question and Answer (Q&A) downloadable study guides, such as the study sheets found on SolutionInn’s site.

Get Social

Nowadays it seems like everything is accessible to us via our mobile phones.  Having social media outlets right in the palm of our hands can sometimes lead to a little bit of social media obsession. Rather than frowning upon our social media addictions, turn social media outlets into a positive study or anti-anxiety tool.  Socializing oftentimes lessens the intensity of anxiety, so try creating a study group on Facebook where you and your classmates can ask questions, offer help, or simply be there to vent with one another.  Other social media outlets such as Instagram and Snapchat can also help fight test anxiety because they focus on visuals, which may combat anxiety.

Start Moving

When picking out your schedule, it is important to sign up for a physical education course, or lineup a time for you to exercise at least three times a week.  Whether you like yoga, running, basketball, or swimming, just get out there and do it.  Make time for your physical and mental well being.  Exercising or even just power walking for 15 minutes can help fight stress.  So, next time you’re going to take a test, take a 15-minute power walk prior to the test, and watch test-related anxiety disappear.

Listen to Music

Music is known as a cure-all for the soul.  Music is with us during happy times and sad times.  It can make us feel things that we’ve never felt before.  Next time you feel test-related anxiety creeping up on you, listen to some music to curb your anxiety.  If you love dance music, listen to some upbeat music and tap your foot or get up and dance.  Any kind of music that takes your mind off of what’s stressing you will help you get through your exams stress-free.

Hire a Tutor

Whether you choose to hire an online tutor from tutoring services such as SolutionInn or an in-person tutor, you’ll always have the assistance of someone who is knowledgeable in the subject(s) you need help in.  Having personalized attention will give you that extra edge regarding the subject matter, and will give you confidence in your knowledge, so that you can put anxiety at bay.  One of the most noted attributes to poor test performance is test anxiety due to the lack of subject knowledge.  So, the best thing for you to do is prepare yourself with a thorough understanding of the subject and take your test anxiety-free.

After following these suggestions to ward off test-related anxiety, you should start feeling calmer when taking tests and seeing an improvement in your grades.  Now you know how to transform anxiety to gain positive experiences when taking tests.

Christina Grate

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