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6 Less Common Study Habits That Get High Grades

6 Less Common Study Habits That Get High Grades

Study is not one-size-fits-all process. Different methods work for different people. Whether your prefer marathon exam prep sessions, or short bursts between school and work breaks, the truth is clear: We all retain information in unique ways. Here are some creative study tips from our SolutionInn expert tutors that you can use to get the grades you want:

Tip #1: Listen to taped lectures as you commute.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American worker spends nearly an hour traveling to-and-from work each day. That amounts to about nine full days a year commuting.

Instead of streaming the latest Beyonce album orbrowsing social media, maximize this time by replaying class lectures on your smartphone. Or, if you prefer, recite your class notes out loud to yourself. Research shows that this can boost your learning. Need help getting started? SolutionInn can help you find the study process that fits your schedule.

Tip #2: Divide and conquer your tasks.

Students often multitask their responsibilities just to get things done. However, studies have shown that multitasking can hurt your overall performance and waste your time. Instead, you should try “chunking” –the process of breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable parts – to study more efficiently.

An example of chunking would be to assign tasks to certain days, like Monday nights for writing papers, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for reading, Thursdays for reviewing notes, and weekend mornings for research.This process forces you to organize yourself, but also to focus solely on a few items at a time – which can help you retention. SolutionInn’s tutors are experts at school project management. Learn how we can help you.

Tip #3: Place sticky notes in common areas. Do Small Things

Let’s face it: Cramming for tests doesn’t work. But at some point, students have convinced themselves that exam prep consists of all-nighters, gulping coffee, and studying until their brain fizzles. Research has shown that the more you recall your memories, the more neural pathways your brain opens up, all of which can improve memorization.

An easy way to implement this is to use sticky notes in all of the places you see each day, such as the bathroom mirror, next to your bed, on cereal boxes, or the front door. SolutionInn’s tutors can help youdevelop a learning action plan that works for you. Learn how.

Tip #4: Get your body moving.

Kinesthetic learners learn and understand best through physical activity. Additionally, they work best in short, intense spurts, rather than studying by traditional means. If this is you, then make sure to stay in motion during a heavy study session.

Wait, what?

Yes. Shut the books and get moving. Clear some space in your living room and recite your course notes as you pace the room. Also, create visuals, such as maps, charts, and graphs, to enhance your learning.

Protip: Remember to stretch first. We don’t want you to pull a hamstring as you study British Lit.

Tip #5: Slow your body down.

Tests and major projects can cause major stress and anxiety among students. And with mental health issues rising in high schools and colleges, school burnout has become a major topic of discussion. If you have reached the point where you are more confused or frustrated rather than motivated and confident in your studying, take a break. Go for a walk, or chat with a friend. And if you’re tired, take a nap.Research by Harvard has shown that sleep can improve your memory and boost test performance.

Learn how SolutionInn’s tutors can help you prepare for even the most complex exams and projects.

Tip #6: Create a strategic study schedule.

All study time is not created equal. Some of us are night owls that work well past dark. Others review notes in the morning over coffee, just as the rest of the world is waking up. Whatever your preference, it’s important that you schedule your study time – and protect it – to maximum your academic success.

For example, if your evenings are swamped with errands, social activities, and family, then there is no point to even consider studying — you won’t be able to focus! So notate the time of day when studying is most efficient and then adjust your schedule to fit that period.

Remember: If you fail to plan your study time, then you’re planning to fail an assignment later.

Time to earn your A.

A custom study plan can improve your grades and position you for future success. So as you experiment with different test prep strategies, identify the ones that work so that you can replicate the process later. Your grasp of the coursework will not only get stronger, but you’ll learn more about yourself, as well.

Learn all the ways SolutionInn can prepare you to be a better student and disciplined professional.

Lee Williams

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