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Essay Emergency: How a Tutor Can Help With Your Writing

Essay Emergency: How a Tutor Can Help With Your Writing

Two of the first classes you’ll take in your college career are English Composition 1 and 2. No matter what kind of writer you are – whether you were the editor of the school newspaper or skipped English class as much as possible – you’ll end up writing plenty of essays and papers in college. So it’s best to figure out the five-paragraph standard essay sooner rather than later.

Luckily, no matter what your writing skill level, writing tutors from SolutionInn can help you with your work. There are three most-requested areas students ask for help with: general topic research, essay organization and grammar.

General Topic Research

Before you start writing, it’s essential to have a body of research to draw from before you get started writing. Whether you’re arguing for Puerto Rico to become the fifty-first state or writing an informative paper on marijuana legalization, you should have a large amount of research from credible sources to help back up your writing. A writing tutor can help you gather that research by asking key questions you can use in library and internet search engines. They can also help you go through your current research and fact-check what you already have to make sure it’s accurate and timely.

Essay Organization

Certainly your professors and TAs will harp on this, but the five-paragraph form is the essential way to keep your writing organized and on-task. If you’re still having trouble, a writing tutor can help you go line by line and make sure your essays stay on the topic and make clear conclusions about the subject matter. If you know you have a tendency to veer from the main idea, your writing tutor will help you make sure each paragraph centers on the topic at hand. They can even help you write a clear and effective thesis statement, the sentence around which all else in the essay flows.

Spelling and Grammar

Essentially, your writing tutor can either serve as your proofreader or help you learn to proofread your own work (preferably the latter). They’ll coach you through reading your essay out loud to yourself and catching your own mistakes. This can be especially helpful if English isn’t your first language. Having a native English speaker read your work, and then show you the missteps, can be helpful throughout your career in college and beyond. A writing tutor can also suggest reading material to help you improve your vocabulary and write to academic standards. Having good grammar and spelling in your papers is essential, and shows your professors that you’ve taken the time to submit quality work.

Holly Kepherr

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