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7 Killer Study Tips That Helps You Study at University level

Studying is not a fun time, especially in college. We all know this. But, there are strategies to make it a much easier trek than it might be for you right

now. Here are seven study tips for university students:

1. Put Flash Cards to Good Use
Many scholars have noted how repetition and replication can help when trying to memorize topics. Conventional wisdom dictates that you take the notes you have already written and written them again, this time only writing down what you feel is necessary to know. My suggestion would be to do this with flash cards. Not only will you be able to section off the different information, but the small size makes it easier only to write down the essential pieces of information. Once you have written out the flashcards, they serve as a more natural way to study. Rather than perusing your glut of notes for the one piece of information you need, everything will be labeled and be concise for you to study.

2. Create and Take Practice Tests
The trap that some students fall into is the notion that if you read and re-read your notes and textbooks, the information you need will eventually just stick in your brain. Unfortunately, this just is not the way the human brain works. Your brain needs practice and rigorous examinations to be able to hold in information. To do this, my suggestion would be to create your own practice tests. This way, you are doing what I suggested previously (replicating information to remember it better) and giving yourself the opportunity to test your knowledge with much less stress and pressure.

Create and Take Practice Tests

3. Eliminate All Distractions
In this highly digital world, distractions are everywhere. You have your phone, computer, tablet, television, social media, YouTube, messaging apps, Netflix, etc. It can be hard to hone in and focus on one activity because of all the noise clouding our brains. Studying is impossible when distracted, so force yourself away from these distractions. Lock the devices away (or unplug them) and worrying about your studying alone to have better results.

Eliminate All Distractions

4. Take Part in a Student Studying Group
Sometimes, it can just be impossible to focus on studying alone. You need some help from like-minded people that can keep you on track and help you along with parts of your studying that you do not understand. My suggestion would be (if this applies to you) to join a study group, preferably one in person (although an online one could not hurt). You will be able to meet with people that are learning similar things that serve as guides through your studies. They will keep you focused and on the right track, as well as help you understand information that you just cannot get down.

Take Part in a Student Studying Group

5.A study in Uncomfortable Places
Familiarity breeds contempt is a phrase that does not totally apply here, but the kernel of the idea is that if you are familiar with something, you may begin to resent it. In studying, if you are completely comfortable and familiar with your surroundings, it may no longer be challenging to try to accomplish something there. Apathy will set in, and you will not accomplish what you need to get done. So, rather than studying in the comfort of your own dorm room, go outside and study, whether that is in a tree, on a bench, or in a mess hall. Go somewhere that provides a challenge and will get your brain moving quicker.

Study in Uncomfortable Places

6. Take It One Subject at a Time
A huge mistake I know I made whenever I was studying was that I tried to do everything at once. Every topic, every subject, every last thing had to be done in one chunk. I thought, by doing it this way I would not have to worry about sitting down to study again for a while. This was wrong, as the studying was purely performative, and I was learning nothing. I would suggest, rather than binge studying, to take it one step at a time. Study history for a half-hour and walk away. Then, in your next block, take on math. Use a systematic approach, and you will yield much better results.

Take It One Subject at a Time

7. Get Your Body in the Right Physical Status
Studying is a physical game, y’all. You need to make sure your body is in the right state because if it is, that means your mind is going to be firing on all cylinders. So, go for a jog or do some light working out to get the blood flowing to your brain, and every night, make sure you are getting the right amount of sleep (eight hours). This will leave you rejuvenated and ready for some studying.

Get Your Body in the Right Physical Status

Thomas Massari

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