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9 Tips for Homework Without Tears

College can be frustrating, but don’t let it get to you. With these nine tips, you’ll get that homework done in no time.

There is so much to keep track of in college: schoolwork, classes, exams, jobs – not to mention all those social events filling your calendar. It can be frustrating and overwhelming; you might even find yourself on the verge of an emotional breakdown at times. Don’t worry – we’ve all been there. With some help from tried-and-true homework techniques, you can get it done and move on to your next task in no time. Here are nine tips that will help you ace that homework without a complete meltdown.

Make a plan.

If you don’t know what you need to do first, how can you get started. As they say, beginning is the hardest part. Once you know in what order you need to do your homework, it’ll feel like you have a real starting place. Once you know where to start, it’ll feel less intimidating once you actually begin.

Do the hardest homework first.

I know it sounds like you should do the opposite and get all the easy stuff out of the way before diving into the most difficult task. But think about it, if you waste all your brain power on the little stuff, you might not have any left for when you really need to focus on that calculus. It’s also a confidence builder: Once you’ve finished the hardest task, you will feel like anything else that comes your way will be easy to complete.

Get together in a group.

For whatever reason, it feels less intimidating when you intend to complete a big project with friends than by yourself. After all, you wouldn’t slay that dragon with just one sword; you need an army to be victorious. Form study groups whenever you can and complete your homework together. Just make sure you’re actually on task.

Engage with your professors.

They’re not just here to lecture you — they’re also here to help. If you zoned out during the lecture or feel stuck and aren’t sure where to begin with a certain project or problem, get in touch with them. They will either help you themselves or get you in touch with a TA who can sit with you for a few minutes. Office hours are also a great way to get in touch with your professor. Their doors are open during this time, so take advantage of the face-time.

Write it all down.

You might think your college-student memory will help you when times get tough. After all, you go through high school without having to make lists or use a planner. But there’s a lot more going on in college. There’s no way your brain can remember it all. Get a planner or a notebook that has the sole purpose of holding lists of your assignments by the day, week or month. It’s best to get a monthly calendar to either bring with you to class or keep in your room to write down project deadlines and exam dates.

Find outside help.

Whether it’s heading to your college’s writing center or getting an online tutor from a website like SolutionInn, finding help for your homework is always a good idea. An outside perspective can help you see a problem or project from another point of view. And SolutionInn’s subject matter experts are always available to lend a helping hand.

Don’t wait too long to do your homework.

Try to kick the procrastination habit as soon as possible when you enter college. Don’t wait until the night before or day before your next class to do the homework. By that time, you’ve already forgotten some of the material you’ll need to remember to complete the homework. Do the homework as soon as you can after class to solidify that knowledge. You’ll also get it over with quicker and alleviate any last-minute stress before class.

Schedule your study time.

Don’t just assume you’ll have time sometime during your week. Actually block off time in your schedule for studying. Make an appointment with yourself. If you don’t, it’s just too easy to fill the time you should be studying with other things. College is full of distractions. Don’t fall into that trap.

Designate a study space.

And just use that space for studying – nothing else. That will help prepare your brain to know that it’s time to study. Make the desk a place at which you like to sit. Put pictures of your friends and family on the desk. Have pens, pencils and calculators ready to go. Buy fun accessories to hold your supplies. If your desk if a place you want to come back to and spend time.

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