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The Struggle is Real: 4 Signs You Need a Tutor

The Struggle is Real: 4 Signs You Need a Tutor

There’s no shame in hiring a tutor. I should know: Long before I was a professional writer, marketing communications specialist, and 3.9 college student, I struggled to make good grades in high school. And no matter what I did or how hard I studied, I just couldn’t get some classes to “click.” I’m not alone: About 25% of high school students admit that homework can cause major stress, according to the Princeton Review — who can you call on to help? When I swallowed my pride and sought out a tutor, like the professionals at SolutionInn, my grades began to improve. And so can yours. Here are the signs that you need a tutor:

Help, I’m drowning in homework!

I used to start my semesters out well, but when the pace of the school term began to pick up, I noticed that it took me more time to complete homework. One hour turned into several hours, and soon I was falling behind. What gives? If this sounds familiar, then A) You are either a professional procrastinator when it comes to homework (like I used to be!) or B) You may need extra help in getting your assignments done. Don’t leave your grades to chance. A dedicated tutor, or even a distance tutor, like the professionals that SolutionInn offers, can help you stay on track of important learning concepts, which can shape and improve your homework strategy.

Be my hero. Please?

Most students seek help occasionally, whether it’s from their school, a teacher, or an accomplished classmate. Some students may even attend study halls with friends; learning can be fun! This wasn’t me. My #SquadGoals at the time consisted of fooling around at the local gym and shooting hoops instead of going to study hall. Naturally, this failed to improve my grades. A distance tutor helped me to find support when I needed it the most. These tutors work anytime, anyplace, and provide an unprecedented level of assistance. My tutor even instructed me to ditch my inner circle in order to get my grades in order — which was some of the best advice I could have gotten, at the time.

Hate. Everything. About. School

When I was failing in my classes, I disliked everything about school. My grades were not improving and I swore that some of my teachers hated my guts. But life as a hater just was not fun. My tutor helped me make sense out of the complicated homework and exams. I would arrive to tutoring prepared with questions — no matter how big or small — and I’d always receive detailed answers that I could readily apply to my coursework and life.

Keep going. You’ll thank yourself later

Maybe you’ve been giving your studies your best effort, but your grades on homework and exams are still down, and you feel like giving up. That’s where a tutor can come in. These professionals are like doctors for academics, and can peer into your habits, from your note taking, study schedule, to reading comprehension, to identify your problematic areas and communicate the best solution.

Remember: A disengaged student cannot concentrate on their studies, which can jeopardize your grades and your future. A professional tutor can provide the help you need to get back on, and stay, on track. And if money is tight, organizations like SolutionInn has scholarships available to help you learn at an affordable price. The bottom line: Never let anything get in the way of your learning. Not your environment, financial situation, or yourself. Hire a tutor. It’s an investment beyond compare.

Lee Williams

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