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How to Plan Your Spring Semester

All of the gifts have been wrapped and unwrapped. It’s time to head back to college. But, what can you expect? More importantly, what should you be doing to keep yourself ahead in the spring semester. Here are seven ways to plan for your spring semester:

Audit your degree to see what needs to be accomplished

Auditing your degree is a great way to take inventory of where you currently stand in regards to completing your degree. It can tell you what major you’ve completed and what you still need to complete. This can serve as positive reinforcement as well as a focusing lens, as you can feel great about your progress so far and get an idea of where you should be heading next.

Get back to your daily grind

In order for you to be productive once college gets back into session, you’re going to have to readjust back to the way your life operates on a normal college day. That means getting your sleep schedule back in order and acclimating yourself back with what college work is like. I’d take a look at some of your notes to prepare as well.

Check the schedule for career fairs

If you’re in your senior year of college, it’s about time to start thinking about your future, namely a career. Scope out any potential career fairs where you can explore your career options post-graduation. This will also give you the opportunity to network and establish roots in careers before graduation, potentially leading to greater opportunities later on.

Secure all your textbooks and supplies

A new semester means new classes with new textbooks and supplies. Don’t wait for the first day back to worry about getting all of these things. Get them ahead of time so you know you have them. You can also start leafing through the textbooks, so you’re ahead of the game.

Head to the mall and buy some new outfits

A new semester provides an opportunity to reinvent yourself, both from an academic and personal standpoint. If you desire to be viewed differently, why not head to the mall to buy some new outfits? Show some dedication to the change with a new style.

Plan a spring break vacation

Everybody needs some reward to look forward to. It’s normal to be burnt out at this time of the year. Give yourself something to look forward to by planning a spring break vacation. Whether it has to do with a stereotypical beach or some consumerist amusement park, plan a vacation that will give you enough time to have a balls-out fun time as well as some R&R. You’re going to need it as you head into final exams.

Create a list of goals to keep yourself focused for the final stretch of the year

Focus can drift during this period, as you spend time reflecting on the fun times of winter break and forecast what your summer vacation will look like. It’s easy to forget you have responsibilities to keep track of in the present. Jot down some goals to keep yourself focused on the task at hand. This list isn’t all about what you need to accomplish but more just focusing you on the productive action.

Thomas Massari

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