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Does Homework Make You Smarter?

Does Homework Make You Smarter?

Since the beginning of our childhood, our teachers, parents, and other influential people in our lives have preached to us “Practice makes perfect, or Repetition equals remembrance!” Have you ever wondered why all of those people would take the time out to sear these old sayings into our brains? What makes the art of “practice” so important, and so sacred, that we instill it on our youth so early in their lives?

These proverbs have been passed down through the ages, for centuries. It inspires educators everywhere worldwide, to confidently enforce the principle of reiterating repetition to their pupils, outside of the classroom. Today we know this repetition reiteration as, the infamous homework assignment.

You must be thinking what I am thinking. If you are thinking that somebody spread a little rumor, that got way out of hand, then you are correct! Be honest, who else wants to know what genius started the rumor that homework makes you smarter?

Relationship between homework and student achievement

So what exactly is the relationship between homework and student achievement? According to famed American inventor, Thomas A. Edison, “A genius is a talented person who does his homework.” Well, we now know who kept the rumor going! Can homework actually add points to your IQ score? Or does it make you talented? Seriously though, there is a stigma about homework making you smarter. The question is the validity of that stigma. Does homework actually make you smarter?

“A genius is a talented person who does his homework.” ~Thomas A. Edison

In theory, doing more homework increases intelligence. We generally associate an increase in intelligence with becoming smarter. The reality of this is not actually true. Gaining knowledge, and understanding it, are two totally different things. Homework improves student memory and thinking skills, time management, responsibility, and overall better study habits. Although participating in outside course activities improves key developments of your mental, that does not necessarily make you more intelligent.

Value of homework

News flash, homework actually has significant merit for those students who engage accordingly. Not everyone is aware of the advantages of properly tackling homework, let alone or interested in it. Most of us rarely get the fun homework we want. I know the feeling of being bored stiff, in the middle of a grueling homework session. We all do. Imagine what it would be like if we enjoyed, and even more valued homework. How do we increase the value of homework within students, and which factors are necessary for developing homework interest?

To increase the value of homework within the student community, educators need to first identify what interests their students. From their students’ interests, teachers should then directly correlate the curriculum accordingly. Imagine if today’s homework assignment is something you enjoy doing, and learn from!

For example, you love to draw, and tonight’s geography homework is to draw a treasure map; including all 50 states of the United States; labeling all states and their capital city. Not only did you get the opportunity to let out your inner Picasso, but you gained great knowledge from drawing a detailed map.

It is imperative that students be more proactive in the homework process, and open to the benefits of daily mental stimulation. The feeling of banging your head on a wall out of frustration of homework over-saturation would cease to exist.

Teachers often wonder, does homework make you smarter? Simply put, there is no simple answer to ponder on. This alone is one of the main reasons so much homework is assigned. Tired of hearing that old saying “Practice makes perfect,”? There has to be a better way.

Is it true homework makes you dumber???

Do you often wonder, is homework making you smarter, or does homework dumb down your intellect. It is not true that homework makes you dumber. The mere thought of homework making you dumb is silly but more importantly false. The truth is, homework is a great tool to help break down information and learn something new. You have the opportunity to practice various scenarios pertaining to your curriculum. Homework works by isolating specific details and discrepancies in your studies for clarity.

Homework also allows you to critically analyze the materials at hand, for a more thorough, and in-depth understanding. But wait, there’s more.The best thing to remember, the goal of homework is not to make you smarter, but to assist in comprehending the subject matter better. So how can homework make you smarter?

Always keep in mind, Repetition leads to remembrance. Remembrance equates to understanding, and understanding is the key to successfully attaining wisdom. Your brain is a computer, and what you put in it, you get out of it. Yes, you read that right! Your brain is a computer! The only way to truly become smarter is to develop an in-depth understanding of the knowledge you seek, not memorizing what’s being assigned.

“Repetition leads to remembrance, remembrance equates to understanding, and understanding is the key to successfully attaining wisdom.” ~Shanty Jordan

Should homework be banned?!

Do you dream of one day leading the masses, boycotting the practice of homework? Marching down the streets of Washington DC, and inspiring others in uplifting chants opposing homework. What if there was a ban on homework? Do you truly believe it would help or hurt your quest to become smarter?

Let’s explore the cons of homework:

  • Teachers often assign too much homework. After being at school all day, the last thing you need is having to pull an ‘all-nighter’ because of the heavy work volume.
  • Significantly large homework loads can stress students greatly. This can cause a decline in your mental, and physical health.
  • At times, homework is delegated as an unintentional filibuster. I would rather be given work that is relevant to today’s life, than time filling, waste of brainpower.

Now let’s look at the pros of homework:

  • Homework also allows you to critically analyze the materials at hand, for a more thorough, and in-depth understanding.
  • Homework is a great tool to help break down information and learn something new.
  • Homework improves student memory and thinking skills, time management, responsibility, and overall better study habits.

So the answer to the age-old question, does homework make you smarter, (drum-roll please), No it does not! Homework does not make you smarter, even though it is a wonderful aid in learning. Completely understanding the principles of your curriculum as it pertains to itself, yourself, and life is the best way to become smarter!!!!

Meer Hamza

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