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Low GPA? How to Boost It with Work Experience

Low GPA? How to Boost It with Work Experience

You’ve probably heard the saying: “Those who can, do. Those who can’t do, teach.” This aphorism also applies to college, where teaching is an excellent way to improve your performance and experience. The deeper you dive into a subject, the more mastery you’ll gain over the subject. Then, you can teach it to someone else, which will make an impact on your grades.

Despite your best efforts, you might find yourself with a GPA that’s lower than you like. Never fear. There are things you can do — outside of extra credit and making nice with your professors — to boost your GPA and feel confident about your subject matter knowledge.

Find a tutor

Your college or university has a plethora of resources that can help you in your quest to raise your GPA. There are math tutors, writing centers and office hours for each of your professors and teaching assistants to help you get on the right path to turning your grades around. However, it’s possible that between your classes, extra-curricular activities and social engagements, those services might not be available when you need them.

Another alternative is an on-demand online tutoring service like SolutionInn. This service allows students to either search from over 1 million frequently-asked subject matter questions and find answers to them from qualified tutors around the world. Or, students can submit their own questions and pay a qualified tutor to answer them within a certain timeframe.

Be a tutor

One of the best ways for you to master a subject and even prepare yourself to move on to the next level in your learning is to teach it to someone else. It’s impossible to not understand a subject thoroughly and still be confident enough to share that knowledge with a fellow student. Committing to learning a subject so well it’s second nature to you will boost your confidence and certainly raise your grades in that subject.

Sign up to be a tutor on SolutionInn, which matches students with more than 22,000 tutors to help with homework, writing assignment and exams. By tutoring other students, you can learn your chosen subjects in a more thorough way, and help others achieve their GPA goals too.

Holly Kepherr

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