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5 Hot Final Exam Tips for College Students

Studying for final exams is a very stressful experience for college students.  Finals week is literally one of the most dreaded times of year for college students.  It’s bad enough taking a test here and there throughout the semester, but then to be slammed with exams in all of our classes at once just seems so dreadful.  It’s like the person who came up with the idea of final exams truly disliked students!  However, never fear, we have 5 savvy final exam tips for college students, so that we can all pass our tests with flying grades.

One word for one page

A really fantastic tip for acing your final exams is to create outlines of your textbooks and class notes.  Scanning your books and notes for key information is important for retaining subject matter and for pin-pointing what is truly important to retain and what will actually be on the exam.  Keep your outlines as neat and organized as possible, in order to make studying easy and straightforward.

Color Rank only important Ones

Once you’ve created your outlines and pinpointed the pertinent information for your final exams, you should color code your notes in order of importance.  Let’s say, blue highlight for what is definitely on the test; pink highlight for what is probably on the test; and yellow highlight for what might be on the test.  When you create your color-coded study guide, it will be easier to scan through your notes and/or flashcards in order of importance, so that you can study effectively and efficiently.

Study in your own way

It might seem like a “no brainer” to study for your final exams, but you wouldn’t believe the amount of people who don’t study adequately or cram for final exams.  So, it is significant to stress the importance of studying!  Make studying fun and different, by studying by yourself and studying in a group.  Mixing it up is so important to keeping up your interest in studying.  Another great addition to your studying routine is studying with an online tutor, such as those you’d find on tutoring websites such as SolutionInn.

Quick revision will work

Whether you are studying or taking the actual test, one of the most important things to do is pace yourself.  Never rush your study sessions or fly through your final exams.  Take your time and read your notes and make sure that you are truly learning and understanding your notes.  Also, don’t rush through your final exams.  Read the questions carefully, and trust your gut instinct for the answers.  If you have studied properly, you will never have to doubt yourself, in regards to answers.

Fuel Your Mind

Our brains are our “think tanks,” so in order to think clearly and have a mind that is functioning properly; we need to eat healthy food, rather than junk food.  Clean, protein rich food will give you the stamina to tackle your final exams from start to finish.  It’s also important to eat high-quality snacks and carbs, which provided sustained energy without the crash.  Nourishing our bodies is just as important as studying – maybe even more.


Erika Hueneme

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