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7 Ways to Get Your Professor to Learn Your Name

Professors have a knack for remembering historical facts and scientific theory and the mechanics of language, but for some reason, being unable to remember their student‘s names is an all too common shortcoming. Maybe it has to do with the volume of students on their roster or the whole “I’m better with faces than names” justification. Whatever the cause, it doesn’t mean that you have to go an entire semester nameless. Here are 7 ways to get your professor to learn your name.

Make the First Positive Connection with Your Professor

Don’t be shy. You (or your parents) are paying for this college experience, and experiences are always better when you make a positive connection. After class, go up to the professor and simply introduce yourself. Take it a step further and add a few other thoughts about the material covered during the discussion.

Get in on the Discussion

Every educator loves when her student volunteers a response. It translates into engagement and active participation. By getting in on the discussion, it leaves a mental note in the professor’s mind that you are a student who wants to learn, and any student who wants to learn becomes a student whose name is worth remembering.

Send an Email Right After Class

Introduce yourself to your professor right after class that day in an email. Remind her you were in the front row or in the seat closest to her. Make a visual connection. Ask a question about the discussion or provide an interesting article that is related to the course topic.

Drop-In During Office Hours

There is a reason that your professor posts her office hours. It’s an invitation — designed to help you feel welcome to interact on a one-to-one level. This is hands – down an excellent way for your professor to learn your name.

Participate in a Club Your Professor Oversees

Many professors have interests and involvement in campus life. Find out what clubs or activities your professor oversees, and sign up. You’ll be on a name by name basis in no time.

Tap into Your Unique Style

Sometimes, the class size is just too large, and maybe your schedule conflicts with her office hours. This is a chance to get noticed. You can be the student who always wears a unicorn baseball cap or the student who wears a red shirt to every class. This may be less conventional, but it’s the most fun!

Attend a Guest Lecture or Master Class Reading

Some professors are published authors or experts in their field. It would be a great opportunity to make a connection by attending one of their public events and introducing yourself before or after. Besides meaning a lot to the professor, it leaves a positive, lasting impression.

No matter which tip you choose, don’t get lost in the crowd. The goal is that your professor remembers your name.

Rhonda Adorno

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