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7 Signs You’re Studying the Wrong Subject

The biggest choice you’ll make going to college is what subject you want to be your major. Not only does this begin to set up your future career, but there is also a monetary risk placed on this decision. So, it’s normal if someone isn’t feeling the subject they chose to just power through it, or not even realize they’re dreading the subject. Here are seven signs you’re studying the wrong subject:

You can’t explain why you chose your major

“I chose it because…well, I don’t know. My parents told me to.” These words should never escape your mouth. If you have a hard time explaining to your peers why you chose your major, while they have no problem explaining why they chose theirs, it’s a surefire sign it’s time to move on.

You’ve considered changing majors

If you’ve watched students in other majors enjoying themselves and thought, “Well, I’d like to be doing that,” then something is seriously wrong. The whole point of your chosen major is this is something you want to do for the rest of your life(How to Strike a Balance between Professional and Personal Life?), so if something else looks more appealing, it’s time to make a change.

Phoning in assignments

I don’t blame you if you’re attention drifts during a lecture. But, once it comes time to put the ideas into practice and you are doing the bare minimum, it should be clear you made the wrong decision for a major. Assignments are a small window into what you will be doing with your subject as a career, so if you can’t bother to put effort into assignments with very little real world consequences, imagine how disastrous it will be if you do that on the job.

Lazy student

General education classes are more stimulating than your major

General education classes shouldn’t be breezier than your major. If that’s the situation you find yourself in, then you should be at DEFCON 1 levels of worriedness. Trigonometry shouldn’t be more invigorating than whatever major you chose. If that’s the case, it’s time to make a change. Might I suggest a major that has to do with the class you’re enjoying?

You’re avoiding opportunities to advance in your selected career

Most colleges provide opportunities for students to network and establish themselves in their career before graduation. These are unavoidable opportunities, as they provide the possibility at a jumpstart to your career. In these fraught economic times, these should be intriguing, not exhausting.

You don’t care that you’re failing

Failing is a dire scenario, especially with the amount of money you put into college. This isn’t something you should be apathetic to. If you are affected by failing, it shows you are interested in that class. It proves this is a class you have the desire to succeed in but just isn’t there yet. The opposite proves how little impact said the class has on your life, so it’d be best to move on if that ever becomes the case.

You hate the prospect of your major becoming your job

College is all about setting yourself up for the future. The work you do in college could potentially outline the next thirty years of your life. So, if in a moment of reflection, you realize that the idea of turning your major into your job gives you stomach pains, you need to head to the Academic Office and request a major change, immediately.


Major Subject

Thomas Massari

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