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1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a sole proprietorship to an LLC? 2. What are the advantages and

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a sole proprietorship to an LLC?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a sole proprietorship to a corporation?
3. Ultimately, what action would you recommend the company undertake? Why?
In early 2003, Doc and Lyn McGee formed the McGee Cake Company. The company produced a full line of cakes, and its specialties included chess cake, lemon pound cake, and doubleiced, double-chocolate cake. The couple formed the company as an outside interest, and both continued to work at their current jobs. Doc did all the baking, and Lyn handled the marketing and distribution. With good product quality and a sound marketing plan, the company grew rapidly. In early 2008, the company was featured in a widely distributed entrepreneurial magazine. Later that year, the company was featured in Gourmet Desserts, a leading specialty food magazine. After the article appeared in Gourmet Desserts, sales exploded, and the company began receiving orders from all over the world.
Because of the increased sales, Doc left his other job, followed shortly by Lyn. The company hired additional workers to meet demand. Unfortunately, the fast growth experienced by the company led to cash flow and capacity problems. The company is currently producing as many cakes as possible with the assets it owns, but demand for its cakes is still growing. Further, the company has been approached by a national supermarket chain with a proposal to put four of its cakes in all of the chain's stores, and a national restaurant chain has contacted the company about selling McGee cakes in its restaurants. The restaurant would sell the cakes without a brand name.
Doc and Lyn have operated the company as a sole proprietorship. They have approached you to help manage and direct the company's growth. Specifically, they have asked you to answer the following questions.

Step by Step Solution

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There are 3 Steps involved in it

Step: 1

1 The advantages to a LLC are 1 Reduction of personal liability A sole proprietor has unlimited liab... View full answer

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