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Suppose that a flow network G = (V, E) violates the assumption that the network contains a path s t for all

Suppose that a flow network G = (V, E) violates the assumption that the network contains a path s ⤳ ν ⤳ t for all vertices ν ∈ V. Let u be a vertex for which there is no path s ⤳ u ⤳ t. Show that there must exist a maximum flow f in G such that f (u, ν) = f (ν, u) = 0 for all vertices ν ∈ V.

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There are 3 Steps involved in it

Step: 1

We show that given any flow f in the flow network G V E we can construct a flow f as stated in the exercise The result will follow when f is a maximum ... View full answer

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