Suppose that water is to be pumped upward at a volume flow rate Q from one reservoir to another, as in Fig. P12.5. The difference
Suppose that water is to be pumped upward at a volume flow rate Q from one reservoir to another, as in Fig. P12.5. The difference in the water levels is nearly constant at H. The connection is a steel pipe of diameter D and total length L that has four 90° bends. The depths at its inlet and outlet are d1 and d2, respectively. Find the pump power (in kW) that would be required if Q = 0.13 m3/s, H = 10 m, D = 0.40 m, L = 1000 m, d1 = 5 m, and d2 = 4 m.
H Id Reservoir 1 P D 1d Reservoir 2 Figure P12.5 Pumping from a lower reservoir to a higher one.
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friction factor is Finally we need to find the total head loss in the p...See step-by-step solutions with expert insights and AI powered tools for academic success
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