Revise the class StringLinkedList in Listing 12.5 so that it can add and remove items from the


Revise the class StringLinkedList in Listing 12.5 so that it can add and remove items from the end of the list.

Listing 12.5

public class StringLinkedList
private ListNode head;
public StringLinkedList()
head = null;
Displays the data on the list.
public void showList()
ListNode position = head;
while (position != null)
position = position.getLink();
Returns the number of nodes on the list.
public int length()
int count = 0.
ListNode position = head;
while (position != null)
position = position.getLink();
return count;
Adds a node containing the data addData at the
start of the list.
public void addANodeToStart(String addData)
head = new ListNode(addData, head);
Deletes the first node on the list.
public void deleteHeadNode()
if (head != null)
head = head.getLink();
System.out.println("Deleting from an empty list.");
Sees whether target is on the list.
public boolean onList(String target)
return find(target) != null;
//Returns a reference to the first node containing the
//target data. If target is not on the list, returns null.
private ListNode find(String target)
boolean found = false;
ListNode position = head;
while ((position != null) && !found)
String dataAtPosition = position.getData();
if (dataAtPosition.equals(target))
found = true;
position = position.getLink();
return position

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