There is a lot of research being conducted on ways of interacting with computer systems. Look at what is presented on the Websites for MIT,
There is a lot of research being conducted on ways of interacting with computer systems. Look at what is presented on the Websites for MIT, Google, HP Labs, and similar organizations. Do some research through computer magazines or their corresponding Websites as well. What new ways for interaction do you find? Do you think any of them will replace the more traditional ways, such as working with a computer and a mouse?
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Here are some new ways to interact with computer systems that are being researched and developed by MIT Google HP Labs and other organizations Voice interfaces Voice interfaces allow users to control ...83% of Modern Systems Analysis And Design Students Improved their GPA!
Step: 2Unlock detailed examples and clear explanations to master concepts
Step: 3Unlock to practice, ask, and learn with real-world examples
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