Which message does the following application print? A. Hello! B. Goodbye! C. See you again! D. It does not compile because of line g1. E.
Which message does the following application print?
A. Hello!
B. Goodbye!
C. See you again!
D. It does not compile because of line g1.
E. It does not compile because of line g2.
F. None of the above.
} package ranch; public class Cowboy { private int space = 5; private double ship = space < 2 ? 3L 10.0f; // gl public void printMessage() { if(ship>1) { } System.out.print("Goodbye!"); } if(ship =2) System.out.print("Hello!"); else system.out.print("See you again!"); // g2 } public static final void main(String... stars) { new Cowboy ().printMessage();
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