If the intention is to get a measure of monthly United Airlines landings at the San Francisco


If the intention is to get a measure of monthly United Airlines landings at the San Francisco airport, the data used in Problem 3.11 is too detailed. Specifically, at least one category of the qualitative variables is different for every row in the data set. Thus, UnitedAirlines data is separated by type of “AircraftVersion” and categories of other qualitative variables. As a result, the population is not specific enough. A better option is to summarize the monthly Landing Count of United Airlines. First, the original data set needs to be filtered by United Airlines and then aggregation of Landing Count by Activity Period is necessary. Based on data from July 2005 to June 2017, the histogram for the 144 monthly landing counts of United Airlines arrivals is shown below:


a) Roughly, what is the typical number of monthly United Airlines landings?
b) Describe the approximate shape of the distribution of number of United Airlines landings.

Data from in Problem 3.11

Download the file “Air_Traffic_Landings_Statistics” with data on Air traffic landings for San Francisco:
a) Check the minimum and maximum “Landing Count.”
b) Draw a histogram of Landing Count.
c) Roughly, what is the typical number of landings?
d) Describe the approximate shape of the distribution of number of landings.

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