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1. A database normalization database textbooks and tutorials emphasize the need to ensure normalization of the database. while database designers and database administrators will generally

1. A database normalization database textbooks and tutorials emphasize the need to ensure normalization of the database. while database designers and database administrators will generally ensure that their databases follow best practices relative to normalization, many production databases in use today have ignored normalization. some people will argue that a denormalized production database reflects poor design, while others will argue that good database architects will knowingly deploy a denormalized database under the right circumstances. after completing the textbook reading (database design for mere mortals third edition) and performing some research on the topic of database normalization, discuss your thoughts on the topic of deploying a denormalized database versus a normalized database. under what circumstances, if any, do you consider it reasonable to deploy a denormalized database? to what extent will your final project’s database be normalized and why?

2. dbms research and recommendation research the various database management system (dbms) products available for wild wood apartment and compare the top contenders to highlight similarities and differences. analyze these database products for their appropriate uses, strengths, and weaknesses in comparison with the needs of your organization. recommend and defend the best dbms product(s) for fully addressing the broad, high-level technological and operational needs of the organization. recommend and justify needed software and hardware to fully meet operational applications in various departments. these will supplement the dbms product you recommend to fully meet specific needs or requirements left open by the dbms product.

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1 The need for faster and organized database management practice brought about the concept of database normalization Normalization refers to efficiently organization of data in a database The whole pr... blur-text-image
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