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According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Apple, Inc. (AAPL) announced in 2013 a 7-for-1 stock split. Similarly, many other publicly traded companies have announced

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Apple, Inc. (AAPL) announced in 2013 a 7-for-1 stock split. Similarly, many other publicly traded companies have announced stocks splits. Most stock holders as well as some analysts and traders believe that a stock split would definitely benefit current shareholders and raise the firm’s overall market value. You read in chapter 14 that, in theory, a 7:1 split would increase the number of outstanding shares seven fold and cut down the post-split stock price to 1/7 of pre-split price, thus leaving Apple's shareholders' wealth unchanged. This theory asserts that stock prices should increase only when a firm generates more earnings (cash flows) which will raise earnings per share. But stock splits do not generate any additional earnings (cash flows) for the firm. So you are puzzled why some shareholders, traders, and analysts adamantly believe that stock splits benefit shareholders. Please explain whether or not stock splits in general would benefit a firm's current shareholders with at least a 5-year investment (holding) horizon. You would want to use your understanding of chapter 14 stock split material, especially the signaling aspects of stock splits, optimal stock price range theory, and past empirical evidence in your explanation.

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Stock splits simply lower the face value of the shares outstanding leaving the total value of shares ... blur-text-image
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