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Answer the following questions: 1. Discuss the differences between the Agile methodologies Scrum and Kanban 2. In an Agile methodology, what activities occur during backlog

Answer the following questions:

1. Discuss the differences between the Agile methodologies Scrum and Kanban

2. In an Agile methodology, what activities occur during backlog grooming?

3. What is the difference between a User Story and an Epic?

4. What is the purpose of Functional Specifications?

5. Identify the phases of a Waterfall software methodology and discuss the activities that occur within each phase.

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Step: 1

1 The three of them have both difference and similarities However the Scrum and Kanban are only principle types of agile methodology It is therefore good to create a comparison between Kanban and Scru... blur-text-image
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