Answer the following questions: 1. What is MIS infrastructure and the three primary types? In your answer, include the three areas associated with an information
Answer the following questions:
1. What is MIS infrastructure and the three primary types? In your answer, include the three areas associated with an information MIS infrastructure.
2. What is an agile MIS infrastructure and what are it's characteristics, benefits and effects?
3. In what ways do MIS impact the Environment? Is it helpful or harmful?
4. What are the three components of a sustainable MIS infrastructure and the benefits they provide? Why would a company want a sustainable MIS Infrastructure?
5. Describe technical architecture as a structured process and compare it to software architecture. How are this two related? In what ways does it allow us to design better systems?
6. In what ways do Information Technology (IT) architecture impact and influence company operations? Would you agree that it is vital to a company? Provide examples in your explanation.
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1 MIS infrastructure comprises of plans pertaining to how the business will build up deploy perform use and share the assets of the MIS system along with the data and processes A wellformed and framed ...83% of Computer Science Students Improved their GPA!
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