Cconsider the following characteristics in relation to the romantic period: divine spark in every person nature as teacher, nurse, divine connection children and/or primitive people
Cconsider the following characteristics in relation to the romantic period: divine spark in every person nature as teacher, nurse, divine connection children and/or primitive people as closer to nature and thus unspoiled and pure imagination and intuition as being more important to living than five senses alone nonconformity optimism considering one or more of the above characteristics and using at least one assigned selection of blake, one assigned selection of words worth, and one assigned selection of coleridge, define the romantic period. What do the works of coleridge, blake, and words worth teach you about life, living, or people?
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Significance of Imagination Introduction The romantic period signified a transformative era in the artistry of renowned poets The use of poetry came as an artistic reflection of the inner feelings of ...83% of Humanities Students Improved their GPA!
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