Consider that the BOP working pressure of 5,000 psi was selected. For the selection, the drilling engineer assumed the well full of gas at an
Consider that the BOP working pressure of 5,000 psi was selected. For the selection, the drilling engineer assumed the well full of gas at an anticipated depth of 10,000 ft, gas gradient equal to 0.1 psi/ft, and pore pressure equal to 5,000 psi at 10,000 ft. This is equivalent to a density of 9.6 ppg as pore pressure.
1. When the well reaches 10,000 ft, the geologist tells you that he wants to drill deeper. Considering that the pore pressure is constant and equal to 9.6 ppg with increasing depth, determine the maximum depth (TVD) you can go assuming that you will have the well full of gas at TVD.
2. Plot the maximum depth you can reach vs. equivalent pore pressure at bottom (ppg), considering the well full of gas (gas gradient = 0.1 psi/ft) and pressure at surface equal to 5,000 psi. Plot for a range of pore pressure at bottom varying from 9 to 16 ppg.
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Step: 1
After the drilled depth of 10000 feet pore pressure will be ...See step-by-step solutions with expert insights and AI powered tools for academic success
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