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Designing a distributed database is no different than designing a non-distributed one. However, a distributed database raises additional concerns to address. For example, how will

Designing a distributed database is no different than designing a non-distributed one. However, a distributed database raises additional concerns to address. For example,

how will the database be partitioned?

Which parts will be replicated?

Where will the partitions and replicas reside?

The small retail store for which you created the database in unit 2 merged with another small store. The expanded firm is going global using a new distributed database system. The company needs to determine physical and logical locations for the data as well as technical limitations on possible designs. Recommend a distributed model for the database system. In particular, recommend a partitioning scheme for the data and provide a rationale that supports your proposal. Also, recommend a method for timing for updates by sales, purchasing, and management. Discuss any limitations on the locations and how you can guarantee the quality of the information.

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Partitioning Scheme for the Data Since the retail store is going global the stores will be located in different geographical location The kind of partitioning that would be suitable is horizontal part... blur-text-image
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