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Evas Phoenix Print Shop is a non-profit organization, which is a socially and environmentally responsible commercial printer that helps homeless and at-risk youth achieve self-sufficiency.

Eva’s Phoenix Print Shop is a non-profit organization, which is a socially and environmentally responsible commercial printer that helps homeless and at-risk youth achieve self-sufficiency. The enterprise has two primary operations, social and commercial. When operations began in 2002, the enterprise had an objective of “careful integration,” which provided a vision of coherency between social and commercial activities. Eva’s Phoenix Print Shop was successful in attaining effective social results however; the enterprise suffered from quality control issues, which affected their overall growth.

A new structure was implemented in 2005, which resulted in many changes for the enterprise. An MBA research student provided a new strategic approach that initially involved withdrawing from a federal government contract. By withdrawing from the contract, the enterprise could better focus on independent sources of revenue. Also, the enterprise was no longer binding to government regulations, which enabled a more diverse approach to decision making. Then, the separation of social and commercial operations was redefined to identify specific roles within each activity, allowing for a better understanding of roles amongst people within the enterprise. These changes were vital to help the enterprise function more efficiently, however, social and commercial operations were still incurring problems.

Answer the following questions:

1. Design a mission statement for Eva’s Phoenix Print Shop commercial operations.

2. If Foundations of Print successfully expands, what are potential implications for the future?

3. In your opinion, what is the best alternative for Eva’s Phoenix Print Shop to generate higher revenue?

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