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Give answer on each four short essays. Below are questions. 1. Compare and contrast Friedman, green and Marx: how, for each, is a conception of

Give answer on each four short essays. Below are questions.

1. Compare and contrast Friedman, green and Marx: how, for each, is a conception of freedom related to their vision of the state, and its proper role and extent?

2. “Liberalism only pretends to be an ideology committed to freedom. In reality it is deeply paternalistic.” to what extent, if at all, is this an accurate assessment of liberalism? Discuss with respect to two of the following thinkers: mill, green, and Friedman.

3. To what extent have contemporary conservatives and contemporary socialists embraced aspects of liberal ideology? In making your argument, draw on Heywood, and be sure to discuss specific elements of liberalism that conservatives and socialists embrace and reject.

4. How coherent is “the new right”? In other words, are economic libertarianism and social conservatism compatible? Why or why not? In making your argument, be sure to discuss and evaluate reasons for thinking that they are compatible and reasons for thinking that they are not compatible, and use a specific policy area (e.g. immigration) to ground your argument.

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1 Friedman an American economist received the 1976 Nobel memorial prize for being an active researcher on monetary history and consumption analysis He was among the elite leaders that led to the gener... blur-text-image
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