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In responding to your peers, think about how their arguments compare and contrast with your arguments and identify any new information learned from reading their

In responding to your peers, think about how their arguments compare and contrast with your arguments and identify any new information learned from reading their posts.

1. I would have to say my biggest takeaway was the discovery of corporate social responsibility. i honestly had no clue there was such a thing prior to taking this class. As I age, I am becoming more and more socially aware and will definitely research this for companies I am interested in doing business with as well as business I am considering for employment. The second would have to be the 5 ifs. I have been trained in 6 sigma and it is kind of similar, but I think this is a more simplistic approach to crisis management than a full blown mica process improvement approach. Lastly I would have to say the week we had the discussion on creating a corporate strategy to satisfy all the stakeholders. I can't access the old discussion boards for some reason, and I can't find the official acronym in the book, but I remember the content of the chapter speaking creating a policy or policies based on the desired output of all major stakeholders. As a future business leader, I will definitely implore that approach when creating a strategy. I need to make certain I am taking care of my suppliers, my employees, and my customer, as well as outside impacted forces. I would never be a greedy business man that was only about the dollar and padding my own pockets.

2. My whole idea behind sweatshops and their impact on the people in the socioeconomic environment in that country was a big eye opener. Not those sweatshops are great, but I had never heard about any of the positive impact on the employees that work there. I will always think about this when i think about sweatshops in the future. I loved the discussions regarding wall-mart and minimum wage. Seeing the open letter the CEO made to the employees made me look at the company a bit differently and think more critically about what entry level wage says to employees about their value to the company they work for. I always, looked at wall-mart like a crappy employer who treated their employees badly, and while I’m sure that they are a far from perfect employer, this was a big statement to employees about how much wall-mart values them. Finally, I looked at corporate social responsibility from more angles than i ever have before. I looked at it from an ethical standpoint, as an individual. I looked at it strategically, from the standpoint of the investor. Finally, I looked at it from a leveled approach, as a way to split ethics and profits. This changed the depth in which I perceived the corporate social responsibility concept and possible motivations companies may have.

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1 In the first argument the writer accepts that he knew little about the world of business this is true to most people me included Sweatshops had turn... blur-text-image
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