Kraft defines public policy as what public officials within government, and by extension the citizens they represent, choose to do or not to do about
Kraft defines public policy as "what public officials within government, and by extension the citizens they represent, choose to do or not to do about public problems."
1) How would you define public policy? Be sure to draw from scholarly sources to enhance or support your definition; but don't quote the source. I’d like to see your analysis of the term.
2) Share with us some of the public policies you have seen present within your community or state. Which ones impact your life directly and how?
3) What about national or international policies? Have there been larger policies that you see a personal connection to? Be sure to discuss policies rather than current events. While policy can be driven by a current event or catastrophic happening
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Public Policy Public policy could be defined as the means and the strategies through which the governments maintain order and consequently address the needs of the people or rather the citizens Public ...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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