Perception checking is described as a way to share your perception of another's behavior to see if it is accurate. It can be an excellent
Perception checking is described as a way to share your perception of another's behavior to see if it is accurate. It can be an excellent strategy to determine if your understanding of other's nonverbal messages are being interpreted accurately. Respond to someone's nonverbal message by using perception checking.
Describe the situation you encountered and how you responded with perception checking. How did the other person react? Was perception checking natural for you or did it feel awkward?
Do you see any benefits to using this strategy-why or why not? What might those benefits be? Identify two relationships that have ended for you (friendships or romantic). What type of endings did the relationship have? What type of strategy did you use or the other person use to end the relationship? Do you have a "favored" way of ending relationships? Would you use the same one(s) again in the future or would you do something different? Why or why not?
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