Perform a recruitment analysis for an organization to estimate the specific new talent requirements needed in the long and short term. Job in question: Sous
Perform a recruitment analysis for an organization to estimate the specific new talent requirements needed in the long and short term. Job in question:
Sous Chef (3 – 5 years of experience)
Prepare a position requisition for one of the above jobs. This should be in the form of job description for the job you have selected. Be sure to include all required components of a job description and that the description is the correct format, as well as essential job functions. Include a statement that reflects your organization’s commitment to diversity and fairness and equity in hiring practices.
Select method of recruitment for selected job.
Executive Search Firm
After selection of recruitment method for the selected job, provide the following about the recruitment method chosen in paragraph format:
Speed with which method can produce qualified applicants
Geographical reach of method
Average cost of using the recruitment method
Is recruitment method EEO compliant? Explain “yes” or “no”.
Justification as to why this recruitment method is the best method of recruitment for the given job
Discuss at least two resources that can be used to recruit disabled applicants for the job you selected. Be specific; how are these resources in helpful in the recruitment and selection of disabled employees?
Discuss how recruiting and selecting employees impacts organizational change and promotes a diverse culture.
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JOB DESCRIPTION Department Food and Beverage Job Title Sous Chef Report to Executive Sous Chef Position Summary In line with the procedures policies and standards of Marriott Hotel Chicago the Sous Ch...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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