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Prepare an analysis of your findings; based on your research about top employers, in a report that includes the following: Prepare a chart listing at

Prepare an analysis of your findings; based on your research about top employers, in a report that includes the following: Prepare a chart listing at least 10 of the top employers, their ranking on the list, and the compensation or benefit that was cited as a reason for being a top employer. Next, review your list of employers. Can you make any determination from that list? Is there a pattern that makes for a top employer in compensation and benefits? What characteristics do you view as being more important than others? Conclude with a recommendation for your current or desired HR manager. Explain what standards you think are critical to becoming recognized as a top employer with excellent compensation and benefits policies. Create the standard you think your company should follow. Justify your recommendations.

Research any one of the top employer lists frequently posted by top news publications or industry journals, which you can search for using the Internet. Once you have found the information, complete the following: Read the top 25 employers on the list. Note how many of these employers made the list because of their compensation and/or benefits policies, and also note the specific compensation-related policies that were mentioned.

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Compensation is something that attracts or can also chase away employees from a company It is for that reason that it is vital to look at some of the top companies that are well of and some of the rea... blur-text-image
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