Q.1 you will write a one page introduction about your writing experience. Tell me about the following: what are your experiences with writing. Have you
Q.1 you will write a one page introduction about your writing experience. Tell me about the following: what are your experiences with writing. Have you written letters, poems, stories, songs, lyrics ect. How do you feel about writing? What is your favorite thing to write and/or read? Do you have a favorite author? if so who are they and what do you like about their writing? If not, why?
Q.2 event = person, place, or thing... introduction: who you are and a brief overview of the event. p1: events leading up to the event p2: the event itself p3: the aftermath of the event conclusion: who you are today and how the event changes you ***d2. Answer the question in your own words. *** In this forum you will review your own achievements and issues with grammar. Answer the following question: How do you rate yourself on using "good" grammar? Do you think you could use some help with grammar rules? any ideas of which ones? ***d3. Answer the question in your own words.*** in answering this post remember you will give your opinion and you will also use quotes. In this case you will be using your textbook. Please answer the following. Do not skip the initial questions. a. what is the hardest part of writing a good essay for you? Do you think students can learn how to write an essay and it gets easier or do you think some students are "doomed" to never be able to write good essays? ***d.4 answer the question in your own words.*** make observations both in our daily life including personal, business, and school. Your task is to do the following posts: a. do you consider yourself an observant person? What kind of things do you observe: people, nature, events, children, other? What do you think it requires being a good observer? b. what is the last thing you remember observing carefully?
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Writing enables the writer to interpret the thoughts and convey them to other persons It is a way of exploring the mind in a manner that others can interrogate Writing is not a skill that one is born ...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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