Self-defense/defense of others and the Bible in 1987, Florida became a shall issue concealed carry state, which opened a floodgate of states who adopted similar
Self-defense/defense of others and the Bible in 1987, Florida became a "shall issue" concealed carry state, which opened a floodgate of states who adopted similar laws. Currently, all 50 states allow some form of concealed carry. This has brought attention to many theories of self-defense and defense of others. Discuss the following: define the castle doctrine and stand your ground laws. Discuss the concept of self-defense as it appears in the bible. Can one reconcile saving his/her own life at the expense of another's life from a biblical standpoint? Compare the Bible's teachings on self-defense and murder.
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The castle doctrine is a law that a grands a person with the mandate to use fatal force while in their home place of work or generally their castle to ...83% of Social Sciences Students Improved their GPA!
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